Why your website is your best investment. How can a website really help your business?

If you think you don’t need a website you’re probably wrong. Similarly, if you’re someone that thinks that your website is like a box to check in your business you could also find yourself benefiting hugely from putting more time, effort, money and thought into optimising your website.

A business’s online presence, regardless of industry, can have a massive impact on its success. In this day and age, it’s important for businesses to understand that a majority of their customers will visit their website before making a purchase. Having a strong online presence, namely a website, can be make or break for generating more revenue and also leads. While the quality of the website impacts results, what the most imperative point is is that you actually have a website.

How can a website help your business?

Attract and collect more leads

Not only is a website a place to send leads but it is also a way to collect them when they arrive at your site. Do you have a lead generator? Typically e-commerce sites will have a pop up on arrival with an exciting discount attached, while service providers like online coaches will have a pop-up that is enticing educational material or free offers in recipes, training plans and guides etc.

More conversions
Not only can you optimise your website for conversions through tactics and strategies but a website can also make you look professional, credible and attract customers to contact increasing the likeliness for a sale/conversion.

Helps with new customers through SEO

Even if you’re content with the current size of your business, as an ageing company you’ll always experience customer churn and therefore need to encourage continued success by attracting new customers. One of the best ways to do this is by making yourself more visible on Google. Social media networks are indexed on Google, and social media posts can be found with the search engine, but a website gives you access to many more tools and strategies for Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) which is the key to making your business appear on the front page of Google.

SEO in practice, is fairly simple. You enter words and phrases related to your business into a keyword research too, figure out which ones are getting the most traffic on Google, then build your content around those phrases. The best way to do this is via your web copy and blogs. As a rule, each piece of content should be focused on a different keyword, so that as your list of content grows, your site is able to rank for more keywords.

Builds trust 

A website is a great place to display your proof of concept and customer satisfaction through testimonials, rave reviews and social proof. This builds trust between your company and a potential customer. It also shows that you’re an established business with open doors ready to take on new customers.

Builds a good first impression 

Second to establishing trust, your website builds a good first impression. 84% of today’s consumers think a website makes your business more credible than companies who only have social media profiles. It also makes for the perfect place to show off any professional certifications or awards your business has. You will know more about your business than anyone which is why housing this information somewhere where clients and prospects can go to learn more is so important. Your website can help establish your business as trusted, communicate your brand value proposition and convey professionalism. It also extends your reach to anyone in the world.

The internet is a very obvious means of growth through selling and attracting new business. 91 percent of consumers use the web to look for local goods and services, while businesses of all sizes can leverage the internet for growth. Using social media as your online presence, connecting a domain name to your social media page may increase web traffic allowing websites to continue to be a critical marketing tool. Consumers prefer a business website for information they can trust. Having a website is important and hugely critical to your business and its success.

Don’t have a website? Get in touch with our growth team on how we can help create and grow your digital presence.


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